
Our Laboratory

In " Super Herbs Enterprise " The physical and microbiological analyses are done for not only the incoming raw materials, but samples are also taken from semi and final products after each production steps like cutting, sieving, mixing and sterilization processes.

Thanks to our sterilization system with heat and steam all of our products are sterilized against to microbiological aspects without using any chemicals or UV process. Beside of steam sterilization process our products are also treated with CO2 fumigation process under high pressure against to insects and larvae. Furthermore, our company proved its quality and hygiene by being qualified for ISO 22000 quality certificates.

With imports from nearly all continents and extensive network of Egyption growers we can ensure our customers have a complete assortment throughout the year.

Final Product Quality Control

Received raw material and lots pass the following tests at reception:
labeled and traceable.
purity percentage.
packing material (clean and sealed).
percentage of oils.
insects and mold infections.
moisture percentage.
pesticice residues.
reception test records filed and kept will all test analysis results.
Final Product Quality Control:
Final products and lots pass the following tests before shipping:
• labeled and traceable.
• purity percentage.
• packing material (brand new, clean and sealed).
• color.
• taste.
• odor.
• size.
• percentage of oils.
• insects and mold infections.
• moisture percentage.
• pesticice residues.
• bacterial Total count.
• all test analysis results kept.
• reference sample be kept at the processing plant at least for the product shelf life ( 2 years).
• Our company follows a restrict quality procedures a reference sample be analyzed from each shipped lot. Also random samples be taken from our farms (Product – crop – soil – water) for pesticide & microbial contamination detection.